Experts Reveal Why Jiu Jitsu Is Known As "The Gentle Art"

Experts Reveal Why Jiu Jitsu Is Known As "The Gentle Art"

Jiu jitsu is often referred to as the "gentle art" due to its emphasis on using leverage, technique, and body positioning to overcome a stronger and larger opponent, rather than relying on brute strength. The idea is that even a smaller, weaker person can effectively defend themselves against a larger attacker by using proper jiu jitsu techniques to redirect their opponent's energy and momentum.

The focus on leverage and technique in jiu jitsu makes it a relatively low-impact sport, and one that is accessible to people of all sizes and strength levels. Additionally, the sport places a strong emphasis on respect and safety, making it a non-violent and non-confrontational way to learn self-defense and improve one's physical and mental health.

Overall, the term "gentle art" reflects the philosophy and approach of jiu jitsu, which emphasizes technique and control over brute force and aggression.

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